Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas highlights!

Wow, it all came and went in such a blur. Obviously our Disney trip played a major part in the craziness as well. It's not surprising though, since the following is a list of our family December celebrations:

  • December 5 (AJ's mom's "Nai Nai's" birthday)

  • December 16 (our wedding anniversary -- 13 years this year!)

  • Hanukkah (December 21 for 8 days)

  • December 23 (my birthday)

  • December 25 (Lily's birthday)

  • Christmas

We had a great Christmas. The girls got too many presents as usual, but thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Unfortunately we didn't get to see my brothers and their families this season, but we did get to spend a lot of quality time with both sets of grandparents. I totally failed on taking pictures though, I think I was a little "pictured out" from Disney. Sorry, but here are a few. Annual "at the top of the stairs" Chirstmas picture!

She really did loooove this guitar (despite the long face), and it's all we have heard for the last several days!!! Thanks Memaw and Pepaw -- I think the guitar (ca-tar, per Lia) may be making a visit to your house soon!


Missy said...

Looks and sounds like an incredible Christmas! I bet you are ready for some down time : ) The girls looked precious in their pink pjs. I am telling you, Lilly looks so much like Paige at that age. You are blessed with two beautiful little angels!

Natalie said...

Great pictures. Your daughters look so happy and of course beautiful.
I love the angel on your tree. Is she an Asian angel?

I think you took more pictures than I did. I hope you have a wonderful 2009!!

Dawn said...

Thanks Natalie. Yes, she's an Asian Precious Moments angel. But, I can't think of what site I got her from. I'll email you if I do. Happy New Year!

Jennifer said...

Looks like the girls had a GREAT Christmas!


Sennie said...

Hi - it's Maria from APE (we have some of your girls' adorable clothes for Annabel :), and FTIA as well if I remember correctly we used the same agency...
Thanks for the blog link - I 'read' through the whole thing, it's great!! Saved Disney for later as we are hoping to go this year..
Your December looks like ours: Annabel's gotcha day is the 15th, our older kids were born on the 18th; same day we signed the adoption papers, my birthday is the 20th, and then it's Christmas. DH's Bday & our anniversary is in January :)
I'l send you an invite to my blog too.

Sennie said...

I just realized I saw the link on ftia group, not ape.. Overtired momma needs to go to bed...!!!! :)

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